Winners 2020 -
Aaron Prior of Abbeyfield School in Chippenham, Wiltshire
Sam Steel-Jessop of UTCN, Norwich, Norfolk
Thanks to our sponsors – the Worshipful Company of Arbitrators – the winners’ school library receive a cheque for £250 to put into place their nominees’ ideas for their library.
Aaron’s was to create a makerspace to attract other students within the school community, focusing on creative writing, programming and crafts and he felt this fitted in well with the library values of “Read, Learn, Discover.”
Sam’s idea was to introduce a range of audiobooks including both fiction books and revision guides, to offer greater flexibility for where and how students “read”.
All finalists also receive certificates and commemorative glass books, thanks to Authors Aloud UK, and all school libraries will receive a gift card from the School Library Association. Many thanks also to our other sponsors: Reading Cloud; CILIP School Libraries Group; and Pearson - as well as the authors and publishers who generously support the award every year.
PLAA 2020 Finalists Citations
Sam Steel-Jessop, UTCN, Norwich (Joint Winner)
Nominated by Beth Settle
Sam has glowing recommendations from both his Headteacher and librarian, with his Head noting that Sam “understood the transformational power of books” so is always encouraging other students to read. His librarian, Beth Settle, said she felt lucky to have him as part of the team and that he made each day a little brighter. Sam’s nomination illustrates what a huge role he plays in the library, his dedication and professionalism, and his remarkable organisational abilities. Despite personal challenges, Sam is fully committed to his voluntary position with an “enthusiasm for reading that was palpable” and, as such, is a wonderful advocate and ambassador for the library.
Mariel Bastello-Kennedy, Glenthorne High School, Sutton
Nominated by Lucas Maxwell
On reading Mariel’s nomination, it is clear how much impact she has had on the school library. As lead pupil librarian, she mentors the rest of the team. She is co-creator of the school’s successful podcast “Booklings Chat” whereby students interview visiting authors, is leader of the library debate team, was on the library Mock trial Team and created a very popular staff room pop-up library scheme. Her Headteacher acknowledges that the “library would not be the success it is without Mariel’s contributions” and her librarian, Lucas Maxwell, says that she “represents what all pupil librarians should aspire to” and says that he “feels very fortunate to have her as an assistant.”
Rachel Bosworth, The King’s School, Chester
Nominated by Ros Harding
The impact of the library on Rachel’s personal development is clear; according to her librarian, Ros Harding, Rachel has undergone a transformation and the library has been a major part of this. Naturally quiet, Rachel’s passion for books and reading draws her out to talk confidently to others and make recommendations, and she is as happy undertaking admin tasks as she is managing a whole-school project. She has a natural leadership style and understands the role of the library within the school; as her Headteacher says “Rachel has developed from seeing the library as a sanctuary to making the library a sanctuary for others.”
Beth Carson, Hornsey School for Girls, London
Nominated by Mary Murray
Beth’s Headteacher states that her “determination, resilience and professionalism far outweigh her years and her many projects, designed to open up the library space, are excellent events promoting inclusivity for all.” Beth produces and runs library competitions, has been involved in redesigning the library space, is a key decision maker with regards to book purchases and creates popular displays. Her school librarian, Mary Murray says that she has a clear vision for the future of libraries and their role, seeing the space as one where technology merges with the traditional role of books and information, and she sets the standard for other library helpers.
Aaron Prior, Abbeyfield School, Chippenham (Joint Winner )
Nominated by Gareth Evans
Aaron has been a pupil library assistant since Year 7, and is now training and leading the team by developing great relationships and being an excellent role model. His librarian, Gareth Evans, said he is always coming up with great ideas to improve the library and what it offers, assisting younger students with any IT issues, and constantly writing fantastic book reviews. Aaron’s nomination recognizes his customer service skills, his friendly and welcoming demeanour, and the fact that he contributes to the school community every day. His Headteacher remarked that “Aaron’s love of reading was undeniable and his voracity for devouring books was remarkable.”
Oyin Owolabi, Oulder Hill Community School, Rochdale
Nominated by Karen McCarry
According to her librarian, Karen McCarry, the tasks Oyin undertakes are endless; she sees a job needs doing and just does it, giving “100% of her effort 100% of the time.” Oyin is respected by her peers, being polite and patient with all students, matching book recommendations to students’ interests, encouraging reluctant readers and helping to break down barriers to reading. As head pupil librarian, she runs a skills audit to ensure appropriate training is delivered where needed and encourages team building through activities. Always with a happy demeanour, Oyin is a pleasure to have around and has a calming effect on students in the library.
Holly Rankin, The James Young High School, Livingston
Nominated by Kateri Wilson-Whalley
Holly has gone from being a near silent and struggling student to a confident, highly capable young person and the library has been instrumental in this personal journey. Now working front and centre in a busy library, she is quick to learn, takes the initiative when she sees jobs need doing and works independently. Her librarian, Kateri Wilson-Whalley, says that Holly is such a prominent figure, quick to promote the library in class and around the school, that other students refer to her as “the library girl.” Key in popular events such as Space Con, Fantasy Con, Comic Con and numerous book groups, Holly also offers support and training to a team of 60 pupil librarians.
The competition for the 2020 Pupil Library Assistant of the Year was just as fierce as ever. The judging panel had the unenviable task of bringing the long list of nominations down to the final seven.
We are delighted to be able to announce that the 2020 finalists are;
Mariel Bastello-Kennedy of Glenthorne High School in Surrey, nominated by librarian, Lucas Maxwell
Rachel Bosworth of The King's School in Chester, nominated by librarian, Ros Harding
Beth Carson of Hornsey School for Girls in London, nominated by LRC Manager, Mary Murray
Oyindamola Owolabi of Oulder Hill Community School in Rochdale, Lancashire, nominated by LRC Manager, Karen McCarry
Aaron Prior of Abbeyfield School in Chippenham, Wiltshire, nominated by librarian, Gareth Evans
Holly Rankin of The James Young High School in Livingston, Scotland, nominated by librarian, Kateri Wilson-Whalley
Sam Steel-Jessop of University Technical College Norfolk (UTCN), nominated by librarian, Beth Settle.
Due to Covid-19 restrictions, the 2020 UK PLAA award ceremony, scheduled to take place on March 20, had to be postponed. The judging panel hoped that this was only a short postponement and that we would be able to hold the event later in the year. Sadly this has not been possible.
As lockdown has profoundly impacted the running of school libraries and affected access for pupil library assistants, it was felt that it would be difficult for nominees to meet the nomination criteria. Taking all this into account, the judging panel has made the difficult decision to not take new nominations for an award in 2021.
To deal with the disappointment over the cancellation of our 2020 ceremony, the judging panel has decided to run the UK PLAA Award over two years, with the finalists from 2020 carried forward into 2021.
We remained unable to hold an award ceremony of some sort in 2021 for the finalists of the 2020 award but, with the uncertainty of the current situation. After much discussion with the schools involved we collectively felt that it was irresponsible of us to expect young people, school staff, and families to travel to an in-person event and we we were forced to cancel yet again.
Thank you for your patience and your understanding. We are sure that you appreciate how difficult a decision this was for the panel.